Disciplinary Action


Disciplinary Action

 Leave for extending holidays, attending marriages etc. Is not granted without prior written application from the parents. It must be sanctioned by the Principal. Those sick for more than three days must submit a medical certificate on the day of reporting to school.

 Punctuality and regular attendance are insisted upon. A student who fails to get 80 percent of attendance will not be allowed to appear for the final examination.

 No leave of absence is granted unless a written application from the parents stating specific reason is produced.

 A student's name will be struck off the rolls if he/she is absent for 6 days (Boys) and 10 days (Girls) without written application for leave.

 All the students should compulsorily attend classes on the re-opening day after vacation.

 Those absent without prior sanctioned leave will be fined at a rate of Rs. 10/-per day.

 Absent without prior sanctioned leave for more than five days immediately after a vacation renders the students liable for dismissal.

 All those coming late must get their diarys signed by the class in-charge before they enter the class. If anybody is late by more than 20 minutes, he/she must report to the Principal. A student returning to school after an infection or contagious disease. should produce a fitness certificate from doctor.