Programmes & Activities


Programmes & Activities

Since the all round growth and development of a child is our professed goal, a wide range and a variety of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are conducted.

 Games and Sports:- Basket ball, Volley ball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Throw ball, Cricket, Badminton and Athletics are conducted regularly.

 Arts and Crafts: -Drawing, Painting, Dance, Music, Fancy work in paper et.

 Dramatics and Public Speaking:- Debates, Quiz-contest, group discussion, speeches, Elocution, Play producing etc.

 Committees and Houses:- The different school committees and the four different houses (Blue, Green Red & White) pave way for active student-teacher participation and for the development of individual capabilities.

 Computer Science:-  The school has computer science as a subject from class K.G. to X.

 Excursion and Tours:- It includes camps, picnics, and visits to places of Historical, Cultural and Educational importance.