Rules & Regulations


Rules & Regulations

 Students should reach the school at least ten minutes before the first bell.

 Every student must have proper uniform and posses a copy of the school diary which should be brought to school on all working days.

 If a student defaces or loses his/her diary, he/she will be fined Rs. 30/- and given a new diary.

 The warning bell before the class is a signal to go to their respective class rooms in silence.

 During the recess students are expected to leave their class rooms

 A students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed.

 All students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed The school uniform is to be worn on all class and examination days and for all school functions at or out of the school.A Student Who is slovenly dressed may be sent back.

 No book (other than those used in class or taken from the library), magazine, paper, periodicals or comics may be brought to school without the Principal's permission.

 Principal has the right to confiscate such items which may be considered objectionable.

 Exchange of articles or money transaction between students are not allowed.

 Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not permitted. Any damage to the school property should be made good. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount to be paid is final.

 Every student is expected to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in conduct, good manners and cleanliness both in and out of school.

 No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started without previous sanction of the Principal.

 Presents of any kind to the members of the staff or other demonstration in their honour requires previous sanction from school authorities.

 Students have no permission to attend parties, to go to Cinema, shopping or go to friend's home on their way home.

 Students should not loiter about on their way to home.

 Sudents will not be allowed to answerphone calls during class hours.

 No student is permitted to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal, which will be granted only at the specific written request of the parents.

 Attendance at all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities especially at important school functions, Teacher's Day, Sports Day, Annual Day etc. is compulsory for all the students, Disciplinary action will be taken against defaulters.

 Show the school diaries, report cards and other informations from the school to the parents and get them signed by them whenever necessary.

 Students do not have permission to enter any class room other than their own.

 All letters and correspondence addressed to pupils are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.

 All bicycles should be fully locked and kept at the cycle stand only.